

Nature is a great source of inspiration to me. I love the spherical granite boulders on The Munroe, in country NSW, on way down to Thredbo.

Deserts, rain forests, simple associations of grasslands with open Eucalyptus Forests – they’re are all inspiring to me. Looking deeper, I think it’s because they are on such a vast a scale and they are so simple.

These points really strike a chord with my approach to designing.

These are perhaps the first two principles I adopt when designing gardens as they help marry the house with the garden together and at the same time tie in the house and the garden to its surrounds.

For me, it’s crucial that any man made landscape is minimal and organic, so the effect is effortless and real. The more simple, the more real.

So this foundation of simplicity and scale from nature provides a strong base for each design I do.

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